15 January 2010

Week 1.5

Today I didn't go to my Portuguese class because I wasn't feeling well this morning. I feel better now, so I am glad I didn't go and recovered instead. But since I haven't really done anything today (besides my Portuguese homework) I thought I should take this time to blog; also, I was about to go get food when it started storming again, so this is a good way to wait around for the rain to let up.
So the weather here is completely different than anything I've ever experienced. I knew it was going to be hot and humid, and I knew that the storms here would be different, but I really wasn't prepared for how different. Last night we had our first thunderstorm with rain and everything, and it was a sight to behold. I left my house around 8:30 pm, and walked a few steps. I noticed a few raindrops starting to fall. I then walked about 15 more seconds, when all of a sudden, the clouds let loose. The rain was falling in buckets. I ran under the cover of a nearby bar, thinking it would just be a temporary downpour. But it didn't stop for about half an hour. In addition to the water, there was almost constant thunder and lightning. It was quite an experience for me, since Monterey really doesn't have that kind of weather. I ended up going out anyway, since I had already been soaked, and in about 45 minutes it wasn't raining anymore and I dried off. However, later in the night the rain picked up again, and it's been raining on and off ever since. Seeing the rain like this makes it a lot easier for me to understand the landslides
south of here. Anyway, even though it's raining cats and dogs, its still really hot (I think about 82 ºF right now), so I'll probably just wear my shorts to walk to the grocery store now.

Also, I think I'm going to try and get a post up here every Sunday at the minimum, since Sundays are kind of the least busy day for me. Até logo!

1 comment:

  1. Omg I love the pictures from your last post, and am glad to be living in Rio vicariously through you! Haha. Sounds like such an amazing experience so far. MISS YOU!
